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Showing posts from June, 2018
How to Create a B2B Prioritized Sales List Using SEO The B2B market of any industry is limited. And, as is the case in any other market, the Pareto principle applies. No matter whether you sell directly or through a partner channel, 20 percent of your top business customers or partners will account for 80 percent of your revenues. You know your best customers well, and you know how your target group will shift as your business strategy moves in the future. But did you know there are companies that are very similar to the top 20 percent of your customers? You need to recognize those companies and get them on board to quicken your business. Here’s a short look at how to build a prioritized list of the most promising B2B prospects that will be your next unicorns.   Merging Organic Competitor Reports to Find Prospects Digital marketers should use advanced SEO tools that also include so-called “organic competitor” reports. SEMrush, Spy Fu, Similar Sites and others offer th...
3Creative Ways To Increase Sales For Your Business When you think of sales, you probably envision that high-pressure salesman at a used car lot. The stench of discount cologne hitting your face as that tight-gripped, over-exuberant handshake discombobulates you, rendering your Car fax reports and KBB print-outs useless against the pushy, hard-nosed tactics yet to come. In those situations, you, as a buyer, are so utterly turned off, that you vow to never be pushy when it comes to selling your own products and services. Sales may have a negative connotation, but it doesn’t always have to be so direct and intrusive. How can you increase sales without being too pushy? Use these three creative ideas: 1. Ask For Referrals For as long as people have been selling, they’ve relied on word-of-mouth to increase their sales. People do business with people, so they want to know how their friends, family, and colleagues have experienced your products or services. In fact, a...
4 Ways Digital Marketing Is Influencing User Choice & Client Purchase The 21st century has observed the greatest revolution: The Internet. As the world changes progressively, so does the market. So how do MNCs, startups and other companies readjust their marketing strategy for their own benefit? Civilized societies have always been driven by curiosity and improvement. We catapulted our own growth and have been pushed far beyond the ordinary. Although each invention or discovery has a very important contribution, none has been so globally inclusive like the Internet. The interconnected web has exceled its importance and now controls our life, our thoughts and our opinions. When the internet was first perceived, it was primarily used for communication. The electronic mail took telephones and fax machines head on, beating them in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness and reduced time consumption. Soon the world realized that this technology can be scaled and used in...
HOW SOCIAL MEDIA HAS MADE E-MARKETING EASY AND AFFORDABLE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Online marketing can sometimes appear confusing for marketers who have to choose between several marketing channels to decide which would be most effective. There used to be a time when SEO was the dominant online marketing platform along with email marketing. Gradually things started changing, and the advent of the social media platform completely changed the perception of online marketing. From the beginning of online marketing, visibility remained the most crucial criterion for marketing success. Social media networks boosted the visibility aspect exponentially and proved its enormous abilities in creating wide outreach.  Businesses of all sizes capitalized on the easy access to social media networks and built aggressive marketing strategies around it. However, the biggest beneficiary of social media marketing is the small business segment with local interests. Small businesses that rely on...
How A Digital Marketing Growth Stack Evolves Over Time Historically, marketing has been a major evolutionary force since ancient times. Roman gladiators were paid to wear advertisements on their battle garb, and marketplace sellers from India and China rely on conversation strategies to sell their items. Although nothing has changed in terms of the need to reach the right buyer with the right messaging, technology is responsible for not only the ways buyers receive and engage with companies, but how brands and marketers feed consumers the right content that empowers their ability to make a purchasing decision. The fundamentally that has changed marketing forever is the transition from outbound to inbound – a methodology that utilizes interactive, two-way communication where customers seek solutions to their needs through educational content that nurtures them through a buyer’s journey. Unless the sales cycle doesn’t align, inbound marketing is a major component to  cu...
Essential Elements  F or  A  Website   While every designer ha s  a different  way of thinking  when it comes to  create  a website .   some aspects of a website are  generally  common ,  while  there are a few  things   that   should be included in a website .   There  is   m any  common elements  that users expect when it comes to using a  web site  easily . Today we’re taking a look at elements you should  prioriti ze  on your website .   Space   Space is one of the most important design tools because it dictates everything—from flow, to readability. More site designs include  more  spaces, increased spacin g between lines of text, and  use of open space.   Space is also important when it comes to creating a  focusing  point for users.  A larger text with more white space is better than ...